Configuring DNS-Over-HTTPS on RaspberryPi running Pi-Hole

In this article I will show you all the steps you will need to set up DNS-over-HTTPS to Cloudflared on a Raspberry Pi that’s running Pi-Hole on RaspBian Stretch OS. This is called an Argo Tunnel. Now you might think to yourself; What does all this even mean? Let me explain… A Raspberry Pi is a really cheap, tiny computer that has very low power consumption. These tiny computers cost …

Client setup for OpenVPN on Raspbian

In my previous post I explained how to set up an OpenVPN server on Raspbian (April 2018 release) on any model Raspberry Pi. Here’s how to set up the client certificates that you can import in your OpenVPN client app on your desktop or mobile. All these commands are to be entered in the console as root user. cd /etc/openvpn/certs source ./vars ./build-key client mkdir /etc/openvpn/client cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/client.conf /etc/openvpn/client/client.ovpn Edit …

OpenVPN on Raspbian (Raspberry Pi)

This weekend, I heard a friend say that he wants to turn his Raspberry Pi into a VPN server. Since I still had an old Raspberry Pi lying around I decided to install the latest version of Raspbian on it (April 2018 release) and also install OpenVPN on it, record how I did this, and show my friend how he can easily do the same on his Raspberry Pi. I …

Things you should do after installing Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi

Here are a couple of things that you should do after you’ve installed Raspbian on your Raspberry Pi. Installing the Raspbian operating system itself is very easy, so I’m not going into that. You can figure that out on your own. This article is just about a couple of things that you should, or could, do after installing the operating system. Click on the “read more” link below to get …