Use a RAM disk to store temporary HLS video fragment files of your live-stream server

What exactly is a RAM disk?Why would I want to use a RAM disk?How large should the RAM disk be?How to create a RAM disk I’ve posted several articles in the past, most noteably this one, on the subject of live-streaming, so it shouldn’t be a real big surprise that I’m doing another post on it. A RAM disk can enhance your live-stream server, while at the same time increasing …

Fix the Nginx module in Webmin (Ubuntu 18.04)

For a long time now, the Nginx plugin that exists for Webmin did not work after installing it on Ubuntu/Debian. I never got around to figure out how to fix this but today I did. Here’s how to fix the Nginx plugin in Webmin on a Ubuntu server. Now in all honesty I have no idea what step of all the steps below did the trick of actually getting it …

Configuring DNS-Over-HTTPS on RaspberryPi running Pi-Hole

In this article I will show you all the steps you will need to set up DNS-over-HTTPS to Cloudflared on a Raspberry Pi that’s running Pi-Hole on RaspBian Stretch OS. This is called an Argo Tunnel. Now you might think to yourself; What does all this even mean? Let me explain… A Raspberry Pi is a really cheap, tiny computer that has very low power consumption. These tiny computers cost …

Add Ubuntu Terminal to Windows 10

Take a look at this page for instructions on how to add a terminal to your Windows 10 in a matter of seconds. I just installed it, and I’m very pleased with it so far. Could this mean I will stop using Putty after all these years? I’m not sure yet, but I’m going to find out really soon.

How to install MP4Box on Ubuntu 16.04

“MP4Box is a multimedia packager, with a vast number of functionalities: conversion, splitting, hinting, dumping and others.Β It can be used for performing many manipulations on multimedia files like AVI, MPG, TS, but mostly on ISO media files (e.g. MP4, 3GP). It is a command-line tool so it can be utilized by scripts like the php script that I want to use. MP4Box is included in the GPAC package.” I want …